Pynt for




Unlock API Mastery: Total Visibility, Risk Control, and Robust Security Testing

Pynt offers an all-encompassing view of API risk, spanning from development to production. Our solution seamlessly integrates dynamic API security testing within agile development and DevOps workflows, making automated API security testing an integral part of the SDLC, rather than just an afterthought tacked onto the final release

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Your API Security Magic Wand

Elevate API Security

Challenge the notion that enhanced security hinders progress. Pynt proves that speed and security harmonize, fostering united teamwork toward this shared objective, and allowing AppSec teams to take control and focus on managing the API security risks rather than running the tests.

Unite Agility and Security

Shift security earlier in the SDLC, reducing costs and pressure. allows developers and testers to catch vulnerabilities sooner, ensuring a balanced blend of speed and safety. Pynt enables the AppSec team to seamlessly collaborate with agile R&D teams, enhancing their API security efforts.

Seamless DevOps Security

Using Pynt's efficient API dynamic testing, API security can now be integrated into CI/CD, effortlessly. Enhance your role as a security pro by automating API security checks, monitoring history, and optimizing your DevOps journey.

Dynamic API Security

Assure security across business and project levels. Rapid, precise assessments across all API protocols, and context-aware tests, powered by Pynt's patented API security engine, guaranteeing authentic results while minimizing false positives.

Frictionless integration into existing CI/CD pipelines and tools

A proactive security approach that doesn’t disrupt established routines, for a smooth adoption by R&D and a fostered collaboration on security efforts, easily adopted by DevSecOps teams.

Optimized performance - quick results, zero false-positives

We’ve removed the guesswork. No pre-configuration, inefficient static scans, or blind fuzz tests. Pynt actively scans your real APIs as they are being developed and provides clear conclusions in minutes, powered by Pynt's patented, context-aware API security engine.

Dynamic security tests on internal, external, and third party APIs on any protocol

Evaluate the security posture of APIs across various domains, ensuring that vulnerabilities are pinpointed regardless of their origin, agnostic to the code language or tech stack.

Effortless API Security Testing

Crafting secure APIs with accurate and early vulnerability detection and a robust API security overview to match

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Dody Alfian Rosidin
Engineering Leader of
Information Security | Halodoc

“Pynt’s accuracy level is superior to other tools in the market. We were surprised from Pynt’s findings”

James Berthoty
Security Engineer III

“Pynt’s approach helps circumvent the hardest part of setting up DAST: getting authentication working in a test account”

Alfredo Campos Durán
Security Analyst and
Pentester | Telefonica

“API vulnerabilities…? Keep calm and start using Pynt”

Todd Wade
CISO | Cyber Risk
Management Group

“Anyone interested in adding API security testing into their SDLC pipeline should check out Pynt”

Swarna krishnan Kuchibhotla
Cybersecurity engineer, AON

“Pynt does make the work easier by automating the API testing based on OWASP vulnerabilities. The concept is really awesome”

Chinmayee Baitharu
Staff engineer | Stryker

“Pynt is a magic wand that helped me solve my API security checks”

Rubén López Herrera
Security Analyst & Pentester |  Telefonica

“Pynt automates security testing, allowing effortless discovery and mitigation of vulnerabilities throughout the SDLC for developers and testers.”

Adithya Amarnath
Application Security Engineer |  Halodoc

“Pynt is the only solution that provides a true shift-left approach to vulnerability remediation”

Application Security Resources

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